Saturday, June 16, 2012

My Form 1 school

I start thinking about my form 1 school.....I don't want to go secondary islamic school..and I don't want to go Science school even my ambition is want to be a scientist and doctor...I don't want to far away from my family.
My friend not seriously thinking about this because they thought goes to secondary school is just like at when we go to priemary school...My mother push me because her friend is an headmistress at the Sultan Ibrahim Girl School (S.I..G.S.).....I think if my results good I want to go what school and if my results not good i will go what school....I wish I will goes to SMKTD 1....

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Aku Suka Dia

Aku Suka Dia by Ainan Tasneem macam terkena batang hidung sendiri.....Macam tu lah aku kenal dia.....Tapi dia tu kadang2 sombong sebab pandai .....Kaya Pulak tu tak sama taraf lah katakan tapi bila dia senyum .Ya Allah,mahu gugur jantung dibuatnya.....Ishhhh.....Macam perasan plak kan.....Aku pon sekarang tengah diet and nak tambah ketinggian aku....Aku ni boleh dikira tinggi tapi rasa nak tinggi lagiiii....Tapi dia tak tahu aku suka dia....Dia senyum kat aku,aku senyum balik kat dia.....Ishhhh...X boleh jadi abisss si skema tu nak letak mana??..